Folks are often faced with this dilemma: I feel discomfort in my back, but it’s probably nothing, right? It’ll just go away in a matter of days or weeks. I probably just need to rest more or eat better. It’s true that a handful of back pain dilemmas arise from notably bad posture, a poor… Read more »
5 Common Symptoms of Poor Posture and How to Treat Them with Exercise
Good posture is very important when it comes to a healthy way of living. Chiropractors help you maintaining one. A lot of people don’t comprehend the importance of a good posture. Some experience varying degrees of pain all over the body that gradually turns into major complications. What people fail to realize is that the… Read more »
Causes of Back Pain
Back pain may occur due to various reasons; be it a sports injury, pulling a heavy object or a fall/ injury to the spine. If you are suffering from back pain, it would be wise to have a look at some of the common risk factors and causes of back pain by consulting a Chiropractor…. Read more »
Basics of Chiropractic Care
Cervical Spine (Neck) The cervical spine is the structure connecting the brain to the rest of the body. It envelopes the spinal cord that runs messages from the brain to the other parts of the body and vice versa. Not only does it contribute to keeping safe the most delicate part of the body, but… Read more »
Chiropractor Tustin shares low back exercises for beginners.
Here is a simple exercises that you can do at home with no equipment. It works the multifidus, erector spinae, transverse abdominus, oblique muscles. The purpose of this exercise is to Increase low back strength and muscular endurance. By doing this exercise you can have the benefits of Improved stability, functional strength and injury prevention… Read more »
Chiropractor Tustin shares shoulder exercises for beginners.
Body: Here is a simple exercise that you can do at home with no equipment. It works the areas related to the shoulder such as deltoid – anterior, deltoid – lateral, pec major – clavical head, and coracobrachialis muscles. The purpose of this exercise is to Increase shoulder strength and muscular endurance. By doing this… Read more »
Chiropractor Tustin shares intermediate level abdominal exercise.
Involves no equipment. This exercise works the abdominal, oblique internal/external, iliopsoa muscles. The purpose is to increase abdominal strength and muscular endurance. The benefits include improved stability, functional strength and injury prevention. Begin lying on floor. Lift knees so that a 90º position is attained at hip and knees. Place hands beside ears. Activate core…. Read more »
Chriopractor Tustin, Free Dinner Health Event!!
Wednesday Evening, March 10th, 6:45pm at Marmalade Café 2667 Park Ave. Tustin, CA 92782 A FREE DINNER FOR YOU AND UP TO FOUR FRIENDS… ENJOY DINNER ON US AND LEARN HOW TO: *Keep Your Feet, Knees, Hips and Low Back Pain Free While at Work and Home *How to Keep Your Energy High At Work… Read more »
The Evolution
Degenerative disease and accelerated aging have all been attributed to insufficient cellular stimulation. As living cells struggle with poor nutrition, low oxygen levels, environmental toxins, and stagnation of lymphatic fluids, disease conditions develop and accelerate aging. The solution has arrived in the form of a low impact, vertical, whole body vibration machine called, the Evolution!… Read more »
ARPwave is able to achieve amazing results in the permanent elimination of pain and other injuries which are typically not possible with other conventional medical treatments. Benefits to the ARPwave system: Rapid identification, treatment and permanent elimination of pain, Faster recovery typically one-third (1/3) the time required versus conventional and often non-permanent treatments, No invasive… Read more »